So, how have we been feeling?

COVID-19 has been one helluva ride. We’ve changed the way we work, we’ve changed the way we live our lives and we’ve realised that life can turn upside down really fast. I sent an anonymous survey out to everyone at work with 10 questions about the current working from home environment. They all answered some questions, here’s what I learnt.

Ryan Baldwin
5 min readAug 18, 2020

1. We miss our friends.

Some of miss travelling and going to the pub but most of us just miss hanging out with our buddies.

2. Home and work — it’s a balance.

The novelty of working from home was better experienced in our heads… and in those crazy ads you see in strange places on the internet.

  • 66.7% would like to work both at home and the office during the week.
  • 33.3% would like to work from the office all of the time.
  • 0% want to work from home all of the time.

In reality — we like each other. We like spending time with each other in the office. There’s lots of nice plants at the office. Some of us even miss that yapping dog in Laurens Zoom calls.

3. We’re trying to keep busy.

Being locked inside is pretty tough. The habitual beers with buddies at a local bar or days spent hiking with friends has now become activities only present in our dreams.

So we’ve had to keep entertained in other ways — cooking, meditation, running, art, wineeee, babies, work, yoga, cheeky office trips and… TikTok?

4. Some of us are a little more productive…

While working from home has it’s perks, it’s not for everyone. Some of us have been just as productive as normal, some a little more and some a little less. We’re a mixed bag.

5. Some of us aren’t as creative.

Maybe it’s the lack of stimulation and rinsing our Netflix accounts. Whatever it is, our creative juices aren’t flowing like usual for some. However, others are feeling more creative than ever before!

6. Most of us are drinking less.

But others are drinking more. Some of us have been making homebrew beer and need to test the batch every so often….


Yeah, it is, eventually. Just like ourselves, we are all going to die, eventually. 41.7% of us have days when we feel like the world is ending and we loath in existential dread.

It’s not all smooth sailing for everyone. It’s okay to freak out a little bit, or even a lot.

8. We’re scared of uncertainty…

Stupid people in power, freedom, humanity failing to learn, travelling, friends and family, children and Trump.

Each of us are a little scared about the future.

But I think that’s okay — the world is a crazy place. Moving at unimaginable rates. We didn’t even have colour TV 45 years ago!


9. But we all want change.

However, Change is relative. Some of us want change in terms of climate-change and life-saving technology. Others just want to have a pot and palmy with mates once ISO is over.

Regardless of what we think change means. Change is inevitable. We just have to make it happen the way we want it too.

Finally, the question that we’ve all been waiting for.

10. “ Would you rather be a cloud or a wave? “

41.7% Clouds

58.3% Waves

The question is pretty stupid. Yet, I’ve asked it to more people than I would like to remember. Uber drivers, best friends, shawarma shavers, work colleagues.

There is something about it that lights a little spark in our consciousness.

When I ask someone: “Would you rather be a cloud of a wave ? ” As stupid as it is, people who are waves suddenly become passionate wave advocates, and cloud people alike.

Now that I have asked it so many times over the years — I have learned the behavioural patterns of both cloud-people, and wave-people. I knew whether you would be a cloud or a wave before you even knew it was a question.

I think it says a lot about a person. Wave-people tend to immerse themselves in situations, living in the moment, a little rogue at times. Cloud-people like to be in control and know whats going on — a little more level headed than those wave-folk. But it could also just be a stupid question to make us all smile.

Thanks for answering all the questions and thanks for being part of a very rad team. 🙌

Keep on keeping on,


Answers from the team at Your Creative & Hassl. Gathered using Typeform with illustrations by Murat Kalkavan.



Ryan Baldwin

Editor of Rarlo Magazine. Digital stuff at Hassl and Your Creative.